
Humidifier Product Development - New Product, Current Technology
University Year 3
Project Overview
During my Third Year study at Carleton University the projects stop becoming one month in length and instead switch to being full term projects. For the first term the projects goal was to develop a humidifier product that met certain design criteria.
Design Brief
The product must meet specific design criteria based around the working class market. The product must have no larger footprint 8" x 8" x 4". While the footprint is kept low the technology within the product must currently be what is in the existing market.
Overview of total component renderings
Carleton University
Year Three
Sept 2021 - Dec 2021
Project Deliverables

General Research and Decisions: Product decisions, general research, and general research brief.

Design Brief: Present chosen design of the product, and show the research findings and how they are to be applied to the products design.

Final Presentation: The final presentation will display the general overall development of the product.

Project Report: The final report will show the general development of the product in more detail.

Final Presentation Boards

The final presentations boards below were used to present the final design.
The boards were used to display the product development in a general process.

Final Board 1Final Board 2Final Board 3Final Board 4Final Board 5Final Board 6
Final Product Report